Don Giovanni
October 7, 2021 | 7:00 p.m.
October 9, 2021 | 7:30 p.m.
H-E-B Performance Hall
Tobin Center for the Performing ARts
Composer: W. A. Mozart
Premiere Date: Estates Theater, Prague, October 1787
Librettist: Lorenzo Da Ponte
Don Giovanni balances comedy with tragedy as the Age of Enlightenment’s most notorious womanizer meets his demise. Giovanni tries to evade punishment for his crimes and foolishly mocks death itself, resulting in his final comeuppance - eternity in hell. Filled with breathtaking arias and quicksilver ensembles, Don Giovanni is sure to be a spectacular opening to a significant season.
90-minute production without intermission.
Performed in Italian with English supertitles.
It is OPERA San Antonio’s policy that masks, or face coverings, covering your nose and mouth are required at all times by guests, staff, and volunteers. Masks will be provided upon entry to any patrons who need one.

During his thwarted attack on Donna Anna, Don Giovanni kills her father. A former girlfriend, Donna Elvira, returns to Seville to look for him, and his attempts to seduce a peasant girl on her wedding day fall apart. While notoriously boasting of 1,003 conquests in Spain alone (with hundreds more across Europe) Giovanni evades punishment for his crimes and foolishly mocks death itself. In retribution, the stone statue of Donna Anna’s father comes to dine with the ardent criminal and drags him down to hell.